I finally Finished Mine!

2015-01-08 004

Owl on Grape Vine Balls

Owl on Grape Vine Balls

I’m not sure when I decided I’d finished decorating for Christmas…I think it was December 30th! And I only really finished because I thought what was I carrying on for.
My Mum said, “Everytime I come here, there’s something different” and it’s true. I just kept going. But I carry on decorating because I like to practise doing different things. I don’t ever decorate the same way twice and because I decorate as a profession, I’m always on the bottom of the list.
The container above was sitting empty and it was driving me nutty. We were having a mild spell weather wise and I had enough thawed out soil, so the day before New Years, thats what I came up with!!
I’ll post some of the interior decorations in the next few days. But to get ideas for next winter, (!) check out the Winter Container Page.
A belated Happy New Year to you and Thanks for stopping by.

Creative Winter

Window Scapes

Window Scapes

Red Lanterns

Red Lanterns

This was a fun project…I suppose at first, I might not of thought Fun, I probably thought it more of a challenge. But once my thinking cap was on. The possibilities were endless. Maybe not endless. But I did have a good idea.
A wind storm had brought a huge branch down at this house. It was a shame for the tree, but not for me. It came in very handy. I was able to beef up the arrangements on the window wells.